Johnny Depp appears on THE LATE SHOW with David Letterman

Johnny Depp appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman last night, promoting The Lone Ranger — “the movie is wildly entertaining,” Dave told his audience more than once. The pair talked about fatherhood and what’s it’s like to turn 50 (“just another decade,” they agreed), as well as the rigors of shooting The Lone Ranger and Johnny’s respect for the Native American community. Johnny also confided an unusual aspect of his acting process:

JOHNNY: There’s two things that I have a problem with. One is that I never read screen direction — (Dave bursts into laughter) — which is the stuff that tells you what to do.

DAVE: Wha– how can that be possible?

JOHNNY: Well, I’d rather not know what they want me to do. (Audience laughter.) I’d rather just figure something out.

DAVE: So you just — you’re kind of just guessing at what they want?

JOHNNY: No, I’m just sort of winging it, at what I want.

DAVE: (after a moment’s thought) It’s worked so far.

Fans who missed last night’s show can find a video of the entire June 27th program currently posted on The Late Show website HERE, but viewing may be restricted for those outside the U.S.

The Zone thanks humiliatedgrape, bascan333, and Cyn for sharing video clips; you can read more about Johnny’s appearance on The Late Show on the Zone’s News & Views forum.

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