PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4: ON STRANGER TIDES to film in Hawaii this summer
Captain Jack Sparrow will be sailing well west of the Caribbean when Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides goes before the cameras later this year. Disney has confirmed that On Stranger Tides, with Chicago’s Rob Marshall directing, will shoot on the Hawaiian islands of Kauai and Oahu this summer; preproduction will start in the spring. Bob Iger, President and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, met with Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle on Friday, January 15th, to deliver the good news (and it is very good news for Hawaii, since the production will pump as much as $85 million into the local economy).
“The Walt Disney Company has a great relationship with Hawaii that we’re looking forward to building upon with the filming of the latest adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew,” Mr. Iger said. “I thank Governor Lingle and her team for their tremendous support of the projects Disney has underway in this great state.”
“Hawaii provides an amazing range of both land and seascapes, and we’re delighted to return for On Stranger Tides,” said producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Sequences in previous Pirates films were shot on Maui and Molokai. Mr. Bruckheimer said his production company has always sought out “the most extraordinary and exotic locations for the Pirates of the Caribbean films.”
The Zone thanks Theresa and Emma for breaking the news; you can read more about Pirates 4 on the Zone’s News & Views forum. Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides is due in theaters May 20, 2011. –Part-Time Poet