Cheers to Infinitum Nihil! Woody Guthrie’s HOUSE OF EARTH is published by Johnny Depp’s HarperCollins book imprint
Johnny Depp’s HarperCollins book imprint, Infinitum Nihil, has published its first title: Woody Guthrie’s House of Earth, which was finished in 1947 but never previously published. Johnny Depp and historian Douglas Brinkley edited and wrote an introduction for the novel, which describes as “a powerful portrait of Dust Bowl America, filled with the homespun lyricism and authenticity that have made his [Guthrie’s] songs a part of our national consciousness. It is the story of an ordinary couple’s dreams of a better life and their search for love and meaning in a corrupt world.”
Early reviews for House of Earth are laudatory. USA Today included House of Earth among their “Top Ten Winter Reads.” Kirkus Reviews calls House of Earth “an achievement [. . .], yet another facet of Guthrie’s multiplex talents.” Publishers Weekly observes, “With dialogue rich in ‘hillbilly’ vernacular and a story steeped in folk traditions, Guthrie’s drought-burdened, dust-blown landscape swirls with life. His heritage as folksinger, artist, and observer of West Texas strife lives on through these distinct pages infused with the author’s wit, personality, and dedication to Americana.”
House of Earth will be the next selection read by Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club! Tidbits begin later this month, with the discussion occurring in March. Check the ONBC forum for details HERE.
House of Earth is available on Amazon for $16.61 (hardcover) and $12.74 for the Kindle edition. You can see the cover artwork — a beautiful painting by Woody Guthrie, whose talents knew no boundaries — HERE. An audiobook edition will be available on March 19th for $19.79.