BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp and Tim Burton appear on CBS's SUNDAY MORNING
Proving they know how to celebrate Oscar day (with fresh Johnny Depp footage, that is) even if the Academy slips up, the CBS newsmagazine SUNDAY MORNING did a story on Tim Burton to celebrate his nomination for CORPSE BRIDE–and included a brief but charming interview with Johnny, filmed in the Bahamas. “He’s bottled something magical,” Johnny says about Tim, “and I’ve taken to drinking it . . . .” The segment includes a laudatory retrospective of Tim’s work and some great comments from Tim and Johnny. As for Tim’s chances of picking up an Oscar tonight, Johnny says, “He’s overdue. He deserves it.” How true–and Tim isn’t the only artist in that segment who is “overdue” for Oscar recognition!
Zone members who missed CBS SUNDAY MORNING can view the segment on our Video Clips forum–thanks very much to Susanne for the clip! Thanks also to FANtasticJD for reminding us to tune in to CBS, and to Chocolat for the lovely screencap we used in our thumbnail; you can see a larger picture of Johnny HERE. Johnny is wearing his new favorite skull-and-crossbones bandanna, and a tee shirt which says “escape. travel. live.” The shirt is made by Island Company and is available for $32.00 from their website. You can order a shirt exactly like Johnny’s HERE. Thanks very much to DeepinDepp for finding it for us!