Filming of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN sequels wraps in Grand Bahama

The extensive location shooting in the Bahamas for Disney’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN sequels, starring Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, is ending at last, reports Michael Singer, press liaison officer for the production. “We are finishing mid-week, and this completes our location photography in the Caribbean region,” Mr. Singer told THE BAHAMA JOURNAL on Monday, February 27th. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST, the second part of the saga, completed photography earlier in February, and is due in theaters on July 7th. Although the Caribbean phase of PIRATES 3 is concluding, Mr. Singer said production continues on the third film; it is not yet complete. “We will be doing more filming on PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3 beginning again in late summer,” Singer confirmed. “That will be mostly local production in the Los Angeles area.”

The PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN sequels have now been in production for a full year; filming began in Los Angeles on February 28, 2005, followed by stints last spring in St. Vincent, where much of the first movie was filmed, Dominica, and the Exumas. After a summer hiatus, production resumed on Grand Bahama Island in September. Bahamanian officials say the filming of POTC 2 and 3 will provide a $30 million boost to the local economy–thus defying the theory that pirates “take what they can and give nothing back.” The Zone thanks emma for posting the story on our News & Views forum.

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