Kellogg's introduces PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN cereal

You can expect to do a double-take in the cereal aisle of your local supermarket some day soon, as Kellogg’s new PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN cereal hits the shelves. Yes, that really is Captain Jack Sparrow at the wheel of the Black Pearl, overlooking not the sparkling turquoise Caribbean but a bowl of “chocolate pearl-shaped cereal with Pirate-shaped marshmallows.” Zone member lawyer, who has seen the POTC cereal in her local store already, reports that the marshmallows look like golden Aztec coins and white pirate ships and hats. “Alas,” she says, “no Johnny in the box!” There is, however, a good likeness of Captain Jack Sparrow ON the box, as you can see HERE. Thanks for the news, lawyer! It has provoked a spirited discussion on the Zone’s News & Views forum . . . .

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