"Trying to keep that energy and humour"–Jerry Bruckheimer discusses the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN sequels
The February 2006 issue of EMPIRE Magazine (UK) includes PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST among their “Future Films” updates. Regarding the POTC sequels, producer Jerry Bruckheimer told EMPIRE: “It is a continuing story over both films, but you’ll definitely have an end at the end of part two. The story will pick up again in part three. We hope that we can do it as well as LORD OF THE RINGS. That’s what we’re aiming for. We’ve got everyone back, even some surprise guests whom I can’t mention. I’m very excited – we’ve moved things on, with a bigger budget, more special effects, but trying to keep that energy and humour that made the original so special.” Sounds good, Jerry, and so does EMPIRE’s appraisal of the DEAD MAN’S CHEST trailer: “The teaser trailer suggests that Depp has bottled lightning again.”
The Zone thanks emma for posting the EMPIRE article on the Zone’s News & Views forum. You can read the full story there, but beware–there are some plot spoilers.