DARK SHADOWS on the cover of the next issue of FANGORIA

“The Night Calls to Barnabas Collins . . . VAMPIRE!” blares the front cover of the next issue of Fangoria (issue #313), which features a new photo of Johnny Depp as Barnabas, with blood dripping from his fangs — a reminder that Dark Shadows balances classic horror elements with dark comedy. The new Fangoria also features artist Mark Crow’s full-page portrait of Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman on the back cover of the issue. To see the front cover, CLICK HERE, and to see the back cover, CLICK HERE.

The issue features several articles on Dark Shadows: one called “Dark Shadows — Tim Burton’s Gothic Soap Opera,” which has interviews with Burton and producer Richard Zanuck; “The Many Faces of Helena Bonham Carter,” including an interview with the subject; and a look back at the original ’60s television series with actress Marie Wallace.

The Zone thanks Theresa for sharing the news; you can read much more about Dark Shadows on the Zone’s News & Views forum.

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