Johnny Depp wins the Gary Cooper Spirit of Montana Award at the Hatch Audiovisual Festival!

Johnny Depp won the second annual Gary Cooper Spirit of Montana Award at the Hatch Audiovisual Festival, which brings emerging filmmakers and Hollywood professionals together to showcase new work. The award, the festival’s highest honor, was presented at the Hatch Awards Red Carpet Ceremony held at the Ellen Theatre in Bozeman, Montana on October 9th. Although Johnny did not attend the festival, he would certainly be honored to be selected as an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers.

“Johnny Depp is a pioneer, a groundbreaker in his own right,” said Yarrow Kraner, a co-founder of the Hatch Festival, explaining Johnny’s selection to receive the award. “He’s taken many risks and is one of the few modern day actors that do not conform to Hollywood’s template, but defines himself with characters that are innovative and provocative. There is no other Johnny Depp just as there is no other Gary Cooper.” John Mulholland, representing the Gary Cooper Estate, concurred: “Johnny Depp is an inspired choice to receive the Gary Cooper Spirit of Montana Award. Like Cooper, JD is his own man. Al Pacino admires Gary Cooper for his astonishing integrity as an actor. Johnny Depp embodies that same integrity. This is inspired!”

The Zone thanks emma and DeepinDepp for posting stories about the Hatch Festival on the News & Views forum. You can read more about Johnny’s Gary Cooper Spirit of Montana award HERE.

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