Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club begins tidbits on A. C. Crispin’s THE PRICE OF FREEDOM today!

Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club begins a voyage to the backstory of our beloved Captain Jack Sparrow today, as ONBC begins delving into A. C. Crispin’s new Pirates of the Caribbean novel, The Price of Freedom! ONBC moderators Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas will begin offering tidbits today — historical, biographical, and geographical notes that help fill in the background of the novel — with the discussion of The Price of Freedom starting on July 21st. Why not pick up a copy and join the ONBC crew? All are welcome!

As a special ONBC treat, DeppintheHeartofTexas and Liz will be conducting a new Q&A with author Ann C. Crispin; you can read their previous Q&A with the delightful Ms. Crispin HERE. She explains how she became a writer, how she was chosen by Disney to write Captain Jack’s backstory, and how she approached her task. It will be wonderful to hear more from her! You can see a larger version of Liz’s ONBC book cover for The Price of Freedom, featuring the discussion dates, HERE.

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