Celebrate the release of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY–Thursday, July 7th is Chocolate Day!

As part of the promotion for its upcoming release CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, Warner Brothers will celebrate Chocolate Day, July 7th, by regaling Hollywood with a dancing Oompa Loompa and gifts of Wonka candy. “Master chocolatier Willy Wonka is sending an Oompa Loompa Ambassador to Los Angeles,” declares the press release. Actor Deep Roy, who plays all the Oompa Loompas in the film, “will dance high above Hollywood on the film’s billboard to two of the Oompa Loompa songs Danny Elfman created for the film.” Fans and chocolate-lovers who would like to join the celebration are invited to come to 6817 Franklin Avenue (at Highland) early on Thursday morning. The crew will begin assembling at 7:00 a.m. and Deep Roy will dance at 7:30 a.m. Prizes for the crowd will include Wonka candy, CATCF soundtracks, and–for one lucky fan–a $250 gift certificate to Hot Topic. Thanks, DeepinDepp, for the posting the news; you can read all the details HERE.

In an interview called “Hanging with Johnny in the Bahamas,” posted by emma on the News & Views forum, the interviewer asks Johnny Depp to name his favorite candy. “He had to think about this for a minute,” the reporter writes. “Then he said, ‘Remember those little chocolate footballs?'” Dumbfounded, the reporter asks, “You mean the kind where it was impossible to peel the aluminum foil off?”

“‘Yes!!’ he said with a laugh.” If you can’t celebrate Chocolate Day with a trip to Hollywood, enjoy some chocolate footballs or the new Hostess Wonka Cakes–chocolate with a purple creme filling. Then settle back and pop CHOCOLAT into the DVD player while you’re waiting for the release of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.

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