Johnny Depp named as one of People Magazine's Most Beautiful People for 2005!
The new double-issue of PEOPLE Magazine features their fifty most beautiful people for 2005, and once again Johnny Depp is included on the roster of the world’s most breathtaking visages. The photo, a headshot by Jeffrey Mayer for WireImage, was taken at this year’s SAG Awards, and shows Johnny in a black suit, black shirt, and tortoise-shell glasses. You can see a small version of the picture at the left, or a larger version HERE. The photo appears on page 104 of the magazine; Johnny shares a page with Colin Farrell, and the photo itself is only about five inches square. There is no article or interview included, only a rather silly word-translation game about how gorgeous Johnny is. While we applaud PEOPLE for having the good taste to include Johnny in the issue, we wish they had dispensed with the childish copy, which is a waste of space, and had made the photo larger instead–or obtained an interview with some genuine insight. They could do better.