BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp arrives in Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 19th!

The photo at the left shows Johnny Depp striding through an airport as he arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, April 19, 2005, on his way home for a break in the filming of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST. Filming wrapped in St. Vincent and has moved on to the Caribbean island of Dominica, but apparently Johnny is not needed on set just yet–or perhaps the delay in the newly-built Black Pearl’s departure from Mobile has given Johnny a few extra days of liberty.

The Zone thanks jdkwfan4ever for sharing the original picture with the Zone. You can see a larger version HERE. And we send a huge cyberbouquet of lilies and roses to bonnie for posting the full sequence of airport pictures on our Recent Pics forum. They are a feast of wonderful Depp details, from the purple bandanna with its THE BRAVE logo, to the bright pink teddy bear peeking out of Johnny’s backpack, to the red T-shirt with “Papa” inked by a loving child’s hands at the hemline, to the familiar–but untied–boots. Here’s a SAMPLE to enjoy. Welcome home, Johnny!

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