First photos of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in ON STRANGER TIDES!
Captain Jack is back! The first photos of Johnny Depp in costume as Captain Jack Sparrow have emerged from the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides, and the dashing pirate looks as charming as ever. Johnny Depp and Kevin McNally (as Mr. Gibbs) shot a scene on a Hawaiian beach in which Captain Jack peers intently at a clear glass bottle. Perhaps he’s wondering where the rum has gone . . . . To see a larger version of the photo of Captain Jack at left, CLICK HERE; that’s director Rob Marshall in the dark blue shirt, and the fuzzy thing behind Captain Jack’s head is a microphone, not a low cloud.
To see a photo of Captain Jack inspecting the bottle, with Mr. Gibbs behind him, CLICK HERE, and for a different view of the actors and crew on the beach, CLICK HERE. The Zone thanks FANtasticJD, Emma, and Evochka for sharing photos. It’s great to see our favorite pirate again!