BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp and FINDING NEVERLAND receive BAFTA nominations!

The British Academy of Film and TV announced their award nominations today, and FINDING NEVERLAND received a total of eleven nominations! In addition to a nomination for Best Film, Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet were honored with nominations as Best Actor and Best Actress; Julie Christie as Best Supporting Actress; Marc Forster as Best Director; David Magee for Best Adapted Screenplay; Jan A.P. Kaczmarek for Best Score; Roberto Schaefer for Best Cinematography; Gemma Jackson for Best Production Design; Alexandra Byrne for Best Costume Design; and Christine Blundell for Best Makeup and Hair Design. Congratulations to all the nominees! The BAFTA Awards will be presented on February 12, 2005. Thanks to Gilbert’s Girl and Erithin for posting the nominations on the News & Views forum, and thanks to sjc for her BAFTA artwork. You can see a larger version of sjc’s celebration collage HERE .

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