New photos of Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie filming THE TOURIST!
A sunny Friday in Venice was a feast for photographers, as Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie took to the water in a motor taxi once again to film scenes for the romantic thriller The Tourist. In THIS PHOTO on the boat, the actors radiate old-time Hollywood glamor; to see a photo of Johnny standing on the dock, CLICK HERE. In THIS PHOTO, director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (in the white shirt) speaks to leading lady Angelina Jolie (with her back to the camera) while Johnny and security chief Jerry Judge (in the green shirt) look on. And THIS PHOTO shows Johnny and Angelina surrounded by the crew; it takes a village to shoot a movie!
Many thanks to Evochka for sharing the photos. You can read more about The Tourist on the Zone’s News & Views forum; reaction to the latest Venice photos can be found on the Pit General Discussion forum.