Back to work . . . new photos of Johnny Depp filming THE TOURIST in Venice
With his holiday break over, Johnny Depp reported back to work on the set of The Tourist in Venice yesterday, shooting night scenes on the Grand Canal. The photo at left shows JD at work; if you don’t mind spoilers, you can discover the reason behind his expression by studying a larger version of the picture HERE. For a shot that reveals more of the filmmaking process, CLICK HERE. And for a spoiler-free glimpse of the ensemble behind-the-scenes (well, as behind-the-scenes as you can get when you’re on a pier), CLICK HERE. That’s JD in the overcoat on the far left, inside the boat; director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (with the curly hair) on the pier at the top right; and security chief Jerry Judge on the pier at the lower right–he’s the one holding on to the boat.
The Zone thanks Evochka, JayGirl, Persik, Slo, Helga, Theresa and AnaMaria for sharing photos; you can read a lively discussion of the new Tourist pictures on the Zone’s Pit General Discussion forum.