ALICE IN WONDERLAND–A few words from the White Rabbit

Actor Michael Sheen, who plays the White Rabbit in Tim Burton’s new version of Alice in Wonderland, spoke about his filming experience in a recent interview with Parade. Saying he was “delighted to be cast” in Burton’s film, Sheen said, “Everyone has an inner white fluffy animal, it’s just a question of finding it before it’s too late.” As for his approach to the role, Sheen told Parade, “The White Rabbit is such an iconic character that I didn’t feel I should break the mould too much, so I just sort of went with it.”

Sheen’s affection for the White Rabbit reaches back to his childhood. “Alice in Wonderland was one of the first stories I truly loved when I was growing up. It had a huge impact on me, and it’s stayed with me ever since, so to be part of Tim Burton’s version is just like a dream come true.”

The Zone thanks Emma for posting the Sheen interview; you can read more on the “All Things Alice” thread on the Zone’s News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet

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