"Johnny, how long does it take you to go through a bank?" Donald G. Asher on filming PUBLIC ENEMIES

Donald G. Asher is an award-winning journalist–a Pulitzer Prize nominee, no less–but he had never stepped before the cameras until he answered a casting call for extras for Michael Mann’s Public Enemies last year. The director wanted actual reporters to play the reporters in that scene where a captured John Dillinger meets the press. Mr. Asher won the role of “Reporter #1,” and he asks that famous question that we’ve heard in the Public Enemies trailers. He has also used his journalistic expertise to write about his experience filming Public Enemies, and it is a wonderful read, packed with careful observation and telling details. Great pictures, too! Mr. Asher’s article, called “Public Enemies Confidential,” appears in Shore Magazine. You can read it via a link on the Zone’s News & Views forum–many thanks to Emma for finding and sharing the Asher article–or CLICK HERE.

The Zone congratulates Donald G. Asher on his film debut and thanks him for sharing his behind-the-scenes experience. We loved reading it! –Part-Time Poet

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