Three-disc version of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN released today
The corporate pirates at Disney released the three-disc version of one of our all-time favorite movies, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, today, November 2nd. Buyers be warned: the version of the movie is identical to the one Disney released last year. The best feature on the new “Lost Disc” is a nearly eight-minute interview with Johnny Depp, in which he discusses creating Captain Jack Sparrow; there is also a five-minute interview with Geoffrey Rush, and fifteen minutes of “A Fly on the Set” features, including the walk-the-plank scene, the tavern scene, and the dock scene (in which Captain Jack loses his wig while rescuing Elizabeth). However, although many fans were hoping for additional deleted scenes, there aren’t any new ones on the Lost Disc. The Zone thanks Emosniw in Hong Kong for sharing the details.
On a more encouraging note, Emma reports that Variety’s Film Production chart now lists February 5, 2005 as the start date for filming of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2. Bring me that sequel!