Announcing a new addition to the Zone's photo galleries!
We are happy to announce that we have added another permanent photo gallery to the Zone: it’s our collection of featured Pictures of the Week for 2008. Included in the gallery are favorite images from Johnny Depp’s many public appearances last year–the Sweeney Todd premieres, the Oscars, the MTV Movie Awards, and of course many pictures from the filming of Public Enemies and the Sheila Witkin concerts–blended with vintage shots that we love.
We extend our thanks to everyone who contributed photos over the course of the last year, especially to those Zoners who shared their personal photographs and screencaps, and to Sleepy, Bonnie, AnaMaria, Hiro3, and Theresa for their unfailing help. To see the new gallery, click on the Gallery Showcase button next to the Picture of the Week above.
We hope this gallery brings back many happy memories for Zone readers. Enjoy! –Part-Time Poet