Johnny Depp is "a great actor who's got style," Ralph Lauren tells USA Today

In the November 19th issue of USA Today, legendary designer Ralph Lauren talks about the movie stars who inspire him. Lauren mentions classic names–Cary Grant (of course!), Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Steve McQueen–the usual suspects. “Lauren is almost at a loss, however, when asked for names of younger actors with estimable style,” writes USA Today. “What’s happened is that people don’t last a long time,” Lauren explains. “You see someone in a movie and you say, ‘Oh, she’s great,’ or ‘He’s great,’ and then maybe you see them a few more times. ” Lauren also bemoans the lack of movies with charm and style: they are “few and far between.”

Lauren does see a few current stars who have the style and charm of their predecessors, however; when pressed, he names Gwyneth Paltrow (he designed Paltrow’s pink Oscar gown), George Clooney, and–yes–Johnny Depp. Not only does Lauren admire JD’s style, he keeps a memento in his office just like the rest of us Deppheads. “Perched prominently on an end table in Lauren’s office is a Barbie-doll-sized replica of Depp as Edward Scissorhands,” writes USA Today. Lauren explains, “I thought that was such a great figure.” For Lauren, Johnny Depp is “a hero, a great actor who’s got style–and there aren’t many (of those) at all.”

The Zone thanks Emma for sharing the Ralph Lauren article; you can read more about it on the Pit forum. –Part-Time Poet

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