Announcing new additions to the Johnny Depp Zone Interview Archive!

We have added some new pieces to the JDZ Interview Archive for you to enjoy: a 2005 interview with Johnny Depp from Nickelodeon (aimed at the younger set), and four interviews from the Sweeney Todd promotion–Susan Wloszczyna’s December 2007 article from USA Today; January 2008 articles by Martyn Palmer for Empire and Cal Fussman for Esquire; and a February 2008 interview with Miles Fielder for The Big Issue of Scotland.

We have also added a new section to the Interview Archive, called “Related Articles,” which carries pieces related to Johnny Depp’s interests, activities or closest relationships; although these are not interviews with Johnny Depp himself, the Zone editors felt that these articles would be of interest to enough of our readers to merit including them in the Zone’s permanent collection. Our first three entries in this section are a Mark Ebner piece from Details, March 1999, on the Viper Room (now gone but not forgotten); a June 2000 feature from Gear on Vanessa Paradis, one of the first articles about her to appear on this side of the Atlantic; and Douglas Brinkley’s 2005 article for Rolling Stone on Hunter S. Thompson’s farewell.

Many thanks to all the Zoners who donated articles and to Theresa and Joni for preparing them for the Archives. For a shortcut to the Interview Archive, CLICK HERE . Enjoy! –Part-Time Poet

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