Happy 5th Birthday to Oprah Noodlemantra's Book Club!

Today–or to be precise, at two minutes past midnight on November 1st–Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club will celebrate its fifth anniversary! ONBC was the first book club in existence devoted solely to works that were recommended by Johnny Depp or connected to his movie roles. The first text ONBC discussed was Stephen King’s Secret Window, Secret Garden . . . because Johnny Depp had just wrapped up filming on David Koepp’s Secret Window at the time. Five years and twenty-eight magnificent book discussions later, ONBC’s moderators Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas are still bringing fresh insight and impeccable research to each work they choose for the book club. The Zone could not be prouder of them or the wonderful community that ONBC has become.

Bravo, Liz and DITHOT! Many thanks for all your hard work and for all the good times we’ve had on the ONBC forum. We will always be in your debt.

Currently ONBC is wrapping up a discussion of Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast. Soon to come in 2009–discussions of The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dahlquist; Loser’s Town: a Novel of Hollywood by Daniel Depp; John Dillinger–The Untold Story by G. Russell Girardin and William J. Helmer; and Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku. We can’t wait! –Part-Time Poet

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