Anne Hathaway "so excited" to join the cast of Tim Burton's ALICE IN WONDERLAND: "Everyone is so lovely and creative"
In London for the premiere of her film Rachel Getting Married, Anne Hathaway spoke to the press about her next project, playing the White Queen in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. “I haven’t started yet,” the actress explained. “But they’ve started filming, [and]the movie looks so amazing!” Hathaway is delighted to be included in Burton’s ensemble: “I’m such a fan of his, I’m such a fan of Alice in Wonderland, the whole cast and characters that he has, everyone is so lovely and creative. And it’s just, you know, when you go to work with a director like Tim Burton or Johnathan Demme, you’re just being invited to someone else’s sandbox, it’s their rules and you just get to play along with them, so I’m just so excited.”
Hathaway is thrilled to be in a cast with Johnny Depp. When a reporter from People Magazine asked if she was “excited to work with Depp,” Hathaway replied, “Uh, yeah, ya think?” She added, “I hope I don’t faint. I’m wearing a corset which is difficult enough, but then to have to wear a corset and be short-breathed around Johnny Depp? [. . .] It might be my hardest role to date–to keep my cool.”
The 25-year-old actress confided that her friends are bombarding her with requests to visit her on the Alice set. “I have so many people coming out of the woodwork who really have never wanted to visit me on the set before who just want to kind of come and hang out,” she told People. “Everyone just wants to meet Johnny.” Uh, yeah, ya think?
The Zone thanks Emma for the news from London; you can read more on the Alice in Wonderland thread on the Zone’s News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet