Oprah Noodlemantra's Book Club Update–Tidbits for Ernest Hemingway's A MOVEABLE FEAST begin today!
Liz and DeppInTheHeartOfTexas, the moderators of Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club, cordially invite you to stop by the Zone and join in our upcoming discussion of Ernest Hemingway’s classic memoir of his life in Paris in the 1920s, A Moveable Feast. Why did ONBC choose this book? Here’s Johnny Depp speaking to reporter Jeff Hayward in an interview conducted in early 2000: “When I was a kid reading Ernest Hemingway’s reminiscences of Paris in the 1920s, I thought, ‘That’s what I want to do. That’s where I want to go.’ Now I’m there and I love it.”
While a plane ticket to Paris may be an impossible dream, a virtual trip to the City of Lights is yours anytime–just stop by the ONBC forum and enjoy vintage videos of Paris, background on the Lost Generation, and mini-biographies of literary lions Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein. Tidbits begin today; the discussion of A Moveable Feast will start on October 13, 2008. Many thanks to Liz and DITHOT for their work!
By the way, that elegant book cover for A Moveable Feast is Liz’s design and features a suave Johnny Depp in the photograph: to see a larger version, CLICK HERE. Beautiful! –Part-Time Poet