Johnny Depp to play The Riddler in next BATMAN film? Not likely–just an Internet rumor

Furthermore, adds Sciretta, there’s no assurance that the villain in the next film will even be The Riddler. “[R]emember, Goyer and Nolan told us that with 70 years of Batman history, they are more interested in some of the ‘dozens if not hundreds of other characters’ that ‘had not been in the movies before, and had not been in the sixties TV show before.’ My guess is that the villain might not be anyone we expect.” That would seem to be a wise move, to do something totally fresh and unexpected, since any movie that follows THE DARK KNIGHT will have big shoes to fill. Meanwhile, moviegoers who are eager to see Johnny Depp and Christian Bale onscreen together can watch for PUBLIC ENEMIES next July.
The Zone thanks Alex for posting the original Riddler rumor and Emma for the Peter Sciretta interview. You can read more on the Zone’s News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet