"Depp fans donate to Children's Hospital"–the Zone's 2008 Birthday Project makes news!

The many generous souls who donated to the Zone’s 2008 Birthday Project in support of American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin will now find their gift acknowledged on the hospital’s website. You can read the article, entitled “Depp Fans Donate to Children’s Hospital,” HERE. This year’s project raised $7,402.63 in less than six weeks, by far the highest total in our history. That’s truly astonishing considering the tough economic conditions this spring; we couldn’t be more thrilled with the outcome of the project or prouder of our members. Together we have done something to not only honor Johnny Depp, but also to bring comfort to seriously ill children and their families. What a joy.

Many thanks to Stephanie Breiby at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics for writing such a thoughtful article about the Zone’s Birthday Project, and thanks to all of you who supported this year’s effort and made it such a tremendous success. Thanks most of all to Johnny Depp himself, for bringing out the best in us. The joy he has given us can never be repaid; we just try to follow in his footsteps. –Part-Time Poet

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