A work in progress–so far, the Johnny Depp Zone's 2008 Birthday Project has raised $3,200!

Great news–the Johnny Depp Zone’s 2008 Birthday Project in support of the Child Life Fund of American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin has now raised more than $3,200! As always, the generosity of the Zone’s members and readers is amazing. Thank you all so much.

We chose a Wisconsin charity for this year’s Birthday Project as a way of giving something back to the area which has been Johnny’s home this spring, and which has given him–and all of the thousands of Depp-related visitors–such a warm welcome and so many cherished memories. American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison is the pediatric unit of UW Health, the academic medical center and health system for the University of Wisconsin (PUBLIC ENEMIES director Michael Mann’s alma mater). You can read more about American Family Children’s Hospital on the Zone’s 2008 Birthday Project forum or on the hospital’s website.

To learn more about the Zone’s 2008 Birthday Project, or to make a donation via Paypal or directly through the American Family Children’s Hospital website, please click here.

Thanks so much to all who have given to the Zone’s birthday gift for Johnny Depp. You are helping to comfort seriously ill children and their families at the time when comfort means the most; that’s a true act of kindness, a gift worthy of such an exceptionally kind man. –Part-Time Poet

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