Johnny Depp on cover of July 4th ROLLING STONE; new interview!

Johnny Depp, garbed as The Lone Ranger‘s Tonto, graces the cover of the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone (July 4); the issue features a lengthy, insightful profile of Johnny by Brian Hiatt called “Johnny Depp: An Outlaw Looks at 50 . . . Single, Sober, and Still Wondering What It’s All About.” Definitely a magazine to add to your collection! Johnny conducted the interview in his Los Angeles office a few weeks before his birthday — wearing his customary attire, which Hiatt describes as being “dressed like a hobo whom other hobos would worry about.”

Regarding his hectic schedule and the relentless public scrutiny that accompanies it, Johnny confides to Hiatt that he thinks “every day” about retirement: “I can’t say that I’d want to be doing this for another 10 years.” But that doesn’t mean the decision to leave filmmaking is “imminent,” according to Hiatt, so Deppheads can relax a bit. “I think while I’ve got the opportunity and the desire and the creative spark to do the things that I can do right now, I should do them,” Johnny states. “And then, at a certain point, just take it down to the bare minimum and concentrate on, I guess, living life. Really living life. And going somewhere where you don’t have to be on the run, or sneak in through the kitchen or the underground labyrinth of the hotel. At a certain point, when you get old enough or get a few brain cells back, you realize that, on some level, you lived a life of a fugitive.”

The Zone thanks emma for sharing the Rolling Stone interview; you can read more about it on the Zone’s News & Views forum. To see the full cover photo, CLICK HERE.