THE LONE RANGER on cover of Summer 2013 TOTAL FILM!
The Summer 2013 issue of the UK’s Total Film features The Lone Ranger‘s Johnny Depp (as Tonto) and Armie Hammer (as the Ranger) on the cover, and includes an entertaining four-page feature article by Holly Grigg-Spall entitled “Return of the Native.” The journalist spoke to Johnny, Armie, and director Gore Verbinski about their approach to the Western epic. “No one had heard the Lone Ranger’s story from Tonto’s perspective,” Verbinski explained. “This film, it could be called Tonto and the Masked Man.” That’s an intriguing alternate title, since it makes Tonto and the Ranger equal partners.
“We kept all the archetypes — the white hat, the silver bullet, the white horse — but we created them through the thread of Tonto. This is an origin story,” Verbinski said, “and it was Tonto that created the Lone Ranger. That’s what made the project interesting to me.”
The Zone thank Lu for sharing the Total Film article; you can read more on the Zone’s News & Views forum. A larger version of the Total Film Summer 2013 cover is available HERE.