Johnny Depp appears with Bill Carter on THE LATE SHOW with David Letterman

Johnny Depp has appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman many times, but tonight was a first: in addition to a friendly, relaxed interview with Dave, Johnny also played guitar with Bill Carter and the Blame on “Anything Made of Paper,” Bill and Ruth Carter’s song from the West of Memphis soundtrack. Johnny explained how he met Bill and Ruth Carter in the early 1990s: “They’re amazing songwriters, and I met them when I was doing Gilbert Grape in Austin. And we all just hit it off, and so they were my kind of saving grace during that period, because it was a long movie . . . . And we did the movie and then I moved in with them for a few months.”

Asked to explain the history of “Anything Made of Paper,” Bill Carter told Dave that the song was written for Damien Echols, one of the unjustly imprisoned West Memphis Three, and Damien’s wife Lorri Davis. “When Lorri [. . . ] came to visit Ruth and I, she brought three roses that he [Damien] had made out of paper, as a gift, to represent the West Memphis Three. And I asked her what I could send back for him, and she said that all he can have is anything made of paper. So I immediately had this image. A song.”

Pictures of Johnny’s appearance on The Late Show are available HERE. Many thanks to Emma, Evochka, humiliatedgrape and Theresa for sharing pictures; you can read more about Johnny appearance on The Late Show on the Zone’s Pit General Discussion forum.

BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp arrives to tape THE LATE SHOW with David Letterman

Wearing a double-breasted plaid coat and a familiar Viper Room beanie, Johnny Depp arrived at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York City this afternoon to tape his appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman. The show, which airs tonight on CBS, will feature Johnny playing guitar with longtime friend and musical collaborator Bill Carter and Bill’s band the Blame (watch for Bruce Witkin, too). Johnny will be interviewed with Bill in connection with Bill’s new CD, “Unknown.” We can also expect to hear a little bit about The Lone Ranger, too, since the official @Lone Ranger twitter feed sent this tweet today: “Watch The Late Show with David Letterman TONIGHT, Kemosabe, to catch Johnny Depp talking about The #LoneRanger.” We’ll be there!

The Zone thanks Lou Lou 63, Chocolat, and FANtasticJD for sharing news and Emma, Evochka, and Theresa for sharing photos. You can see pictures of Johnny arriving at the Ed Sullivan Theatre HERE.