TV ALERT–Johnny Depp’s appearance on THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW re-airs today

If you missed Johnny Depp’s May appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, or you would like to see it again, the program re-airs today! Since Ellen’s show is syndicated, you will need to check your local listings for the time and station in your area. Johnny’s visit took place during the promotion for Dark Shadows, and he and Ellen had a charming conversation about Johnny’s approach to his characters, and Ellen gave Johnny an engraved I.D. bracelet; then they were joined by Johnny’s Dark Shadows castmates Michelle Pfeiffer and Chloe Grace Moretz for some reminiscences about their experiences making the film. The atmosphere was warm and relaxed and the audience — which had just seen Dark Shadows and, according to Ellen, “loved it” — was very enthusiastic.

To jog your memory, you can see photos of Johnny’s appearance on Ellen HERE, HERE, and HERE. The Zone thanks mytreasure for sharing the news and the photos; you can read more about Johnny’s appearance on Ellen on the Zone’s News & Views forum.