“I was raised on bluegrass and country music”–Johnny Depp talks music with the New York Times

Another good reason to buy the New York Times next Sunday (July 15th) — not only will the New York Times Sunday Book Review (always a great read) feature a story on the rediscovery of Woody Guthrie’s lost novel House of Earth, and an essay by House of Earth co-editors Douglas Brinkley and Johnny Depp, but also an email interview with Johnny Depp! Asked about his musical taste (and presumably his affection for Guthrie), Johnny responded, “Growing up in Kentucky, I was raised on bluegrass and country music.” He confirmed that he has “listened to Guthrie all his life,” adding that Guthrie “represents the soul and the sound of the America that I love.” But Johnny carefully gave credit to another American musical legend — Bob Dylan — as his conduit to understanding Guthrie’s importance: “[I]t is thanks to Bob Dylan that the man and his music became solidified in my lexicon.”

Johnny identifies himself as a fan of books by musicians, citing Keith Richards’ Life (of course), Steven Tyler’s Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? and Dylan’s Chronicles as favorites. When asked which musician he might like to portray on screen, Johnny suggested the late blues legend Junior Kimbrough. “However, failing that, I wouldn’t mind slipping into the skin and bones of Harry Partch. One of our greatest, pioneering artists, who is rarely given the respect, let alone the appreciation, that he so richly deserves.” That should send screenwriters scrambling to their computers.

The beautiful portrait of Johnny is by Tina Berning; you can see a larger version HERE; the New York Times article is available online HERE.

The Zone thanks Theresa for sharing the New York Times interview; you can read more on the Zone’s News and Views forum.

Johnny Depp will reprise his role as EDWARD SCISSORHANDS–on FAMILY GUY!

According to Entertainment Weekly, Johnny Depp is scheduled to return to his iconic role as Edward Scissorhands for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo in an episode of Fox’s animated (and outrageous) comedy Family Guy. EW reports that Johnny provides Edward’s distinctive voice “in one of the show’s cutaway gags.” However, it took some effort for Johnny to resurrect the persona he created two decades ago. “When he was in the booth, he said that he felt like he hadn’t done that voice since he did it in front of the camera,” Family Guy executive producer Mark Hentemann told EW. However, Johnny “was able to snap right back into Edward Scissorhands once we pulled up a clip from the movie.”

Hentemann pronounced Johnny “amazing,” adding praise for the “extraordinary patience” Johnny showed with “all the fawning women in our office who swarmed him.”

The Zone thanks Theresa for breaking the news; you can read more about Johnny’s appearance on Family Guy on the Zone’s News & Views forum. The Entertainment Weekly story is available HERE.