Johnny Depp at London premiere of THE RUM DIARY–new photos!

Johnny Depp saluted fans who waited for his arrival on the red carpet for the London premiere of The Rum Diary on November 3rd — the weather was less than ideal, but the reception for Johnny, director Bruce Robinson, and co-star Amber Heard, was warm and enthusiastic. Johnny looked dapper in a navy three-piece suit and a navy shirt; to see a larger version of the photo at left, CLICK HERE, and to see a more formal portrait of Johnny, CLICK HERE. He assured reporters of his pride in the film, which took more than ten years to reach the screen: “It comes from the brain of Hunter S. Thompson at the helm of Bruce Robinson,” Johnny said. “It’s everything and more that I wanted it to be, and Hunter wanted it to be.”

You can see Johnny walking the red carpet with security chief Jerry Judge in the background HERE, and lending support to Amber Heard in her stunningly high stilettos HERE. Johnny, Amber, and Bruce Robinson share a laugh on the red carpet HERE.

Of course Johnny found time to greet well-wishers and sign autographs . . . you can see a charming photo of him signing for a very young admirer HERE.

The Zone thanks Evockha, Aida, HonestGirl and Theresa for sharing photos of the London premiere; you can read more about the event on the Zone’s News & Views forum and read Zoner’s accounts of their meetings with Johnny on the Porch General Discussion forum. The Rum Diary opens in the UK on November 11th.