Filming begins for Tim Burton’s DARK SHADOWS, starring Johnny Depp!
Filming has begun at Pinewood Studios on Tim Burton’s new version of the Gothic-camp classic Dark Shadows, which will feature an extraordinary ensemble that includes Johnny Depp as the iconic vampire Barnabas Collins; Eva Green as the witch Angelique Brouchard; Michelle Pfeiffer as the family matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; Helena Bonham Carter as psychiatrist Dr. Julia Hoffman; Jackie Earle Haley as caretaker Willie Loomis; Jonny Lee Miller as Elizabeth’s shady brother Roger Collins; newcomer Gulliver McGrath as Roger’s precocious 10-year-old son David; Bella Heathcote as David’s new nanny, Victoria Winters; and Chloe Moretz as Elizabeth’s rebellious teenaged daughter Carolyn.
According to a press release from Warner Bros., Dark Shadows is being filmed entirely in England, both at Pinewood Studios and on location. Warner Bros. has scheduled Dark Shadows for a release date of May 11, 2012 — less than a year away!
The Zone thanks Theresa for sharing the news; you can read much more about Dark Shadows on the Zone’s News & Views forum.