“Johnny Depp is a director’s dream”–new CinemaCon interviews with Rob Marshall and Jerry Bruckheimer about ON STRANGER TIDES

Director Rob Marshall and producer Jerry Bruckheimer brought footage of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides to CinemaCon, and spoke enthusiastically to reporters about the filmmaking experience. Marshall is new to the franchise, but happy to be at the helm: Johnny Depp is “a director’s dream,” Marshall said. “He’s the actor all actors love, and all directors love, so immediately I thought, ‘Wow. I’m in incredible company.'” As for the pirate film genre, “It has to be done with a sense of fun and joy as well, and I think that’s what we all share. And that’s why it was such a nice experience for all of us.”

Here’s a brief video interview of Rob Marshall and Jerry Bruckheimer at CinemaCon:

The Zone thanks Shawn Cauthen of Screenslam for sharing the video with the Zone. You can read much more about Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides on the Zone’s News & Views forum.