Johnny Depp visits JACK AND JILL movie set in Los Angeles–new photos!

Johnny Depp, accompanied by security chief Jerry Judge, was photographed in Los Angeles on Tuesday as he visited the set of the film Jack and Jill, which stars Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes, and Johnny’s Donnie Brasco co-star Al Pacino. Johnny is rumored to be making a brief cameo appearance in the comedy, although this is not confirmed — no doubt we’ll get plenty of tweets from the set if it happens. This one popped up on Twitter yesterday: “great times @ Jack & Jill sat a couple of ft away from Al Pacino & Johnny Depp & got to stare at JD during lunch.” Nice work if you can get it!

To see a larger version of the photo of Johnny, CLICK HERE, and to see other photos of Johnny with Jerry at the Jack and Jill set, CLICK HERE and HERE. The Zone thanks Sleepy and AnaMaria for sharing the news!