Jerry Bruckheimer tweets a target date for the ON STRANGER TIDES trailer

Movie fans eager for the opportunity to see a trailer for Rob Marshall’s Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides, currently filming at Pinewood Studios, can mark December 17, 2010 in red letters on their calendars. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer responded to this query on his Twitter account: “Any info on On Stranger Tides teaser trailer?” with the following reply: “Working to get it done to go in front of TRON, in theaters 12/17.” Since Tron:Legacy will get a wide release in 3D, it will provide an excellent opportunity to expose a large audience to the thrill of seeing Captain Jack Sparrow in 3D for the first time. Sounds great!

The Zone thanks Polly_anna for sharing the news; you can read much more about Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides on the Zone’s News & Views forum.