PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4: ON STRANGER TIDES gets a release date– May 20, 2011!
More proof that Nature and movie moguls abhor vacuums: Box Office Mojo reports that Disney has moved up the release dates of Thor and Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides in response to scuttlebutt that Spider-Man 4 will not be ready for a May 2011 release due to ongoing script problems. Thor gets the date that Spidey has abandoned: May 6, 2011. Of much deeper significance to Johnny Depp fans: Pirates 4 is now assigned to the weekend previously occupied by Thor. Look for On Stranger Tides on May 20, 2011!
This is the first official release date assigned to Pirates 4; previously, the only information given by Disney was “Summer 2011.” This gives Jerry Bruckheimer, Rob Marshall, and the production staff a relatively short window of time (as blockbusters go) to get Captain Jack Sparrow’s fourth voyage underway.
Residents of Baton Rouge, Louisiana had their hopes lifted–briefly–at news that Disney was considering filming portions of Pirates 4 at the Baton Rouge River Center, with shooting to begin in May and last through the summer. Alas for the Gulf Coast, Disney has elected to film those scenes in London instead. Chris Stelly, director of film and television with Louisiana Film and Television, said Disney leaders notified him on January 7th of their decision.
The Zone thanks FANtasticJD, Sleepy, and Emma for the Pirates 4 news. You can read much more on the Zone’s News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet