Geoffrey Rush tells MTV he's planning to film ON STRANGER TIDES in the spring
In a brief interview with MTV, Geoffrey Rush confirmed that he is preparing to return to his role as Captain Jack Sparrow’s rival, Captain Hector Barbossa, in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film–although the Australian actor was surprised to learn from MTV’s Josh Horowitz that the film has been named On Stranger Tides. “No, no one tells me anything!” Rush joked. “Jerry Bruckheimer—get your act together! Call me!”
Rush said he has been advised “to keep his schedule open for a possible start to filming next spring,” but there is no definite start date as yet, and no finished script. “They’re waiting for the screenplay writers to put together something that’s beyond the trilogy, take it off into a new direction so that it’s fresh and hopefully really interesting for an audience,” Rush explained. “They’re not going to just sausage-machine out something else, which wouldn’t be so good.”
MTV’s interview was conducted before the announcement of Dick Cook’s departure from Walt Disney Pictures, so Geoffrey Rush had no comment about that development. The Zone thanks Theresa for sharing the Rush interview; you can read more on the Zone’s News & Views forum. To see the MTV video interview with Geoffrey Rush, CLICK HERE. –Part-Time Poet