THE RUM DIARY will wrap on Tuesday, say Puerto Rican news sources

Bruce Robinson’s film of Hunter S. Thompson’s The Rum Diary will complete its principal photography on Tuesday, according to El Nuevo Dia. The newspaper reports that after a full week of filming in Old San Juan, the cast and crew took Saturday off, but reported for work on Sunday at Roosevelt Roads. There they finished shooting the scenes that could not be completed two weeks ago, due to heavy rain. The cast and crew is scheduled to return to Old San Juan for a final day of filming on Tuesday–a “last chance” for local residents (and, no doubt, the paparazzi) to try to catch a glimpse of Johnny Depp.

The photo of Johnny was taken at the completion of filming in Old San Juan on Friday, June 5th. To see a larger version (and security chief Jerry Judge standing next to Johnny), CLICK HERE.

The Zone thanks Emma for the article from El Nuevo Dia, and for all of her exemplary reporting throughout the filming of The Rum Diary. –Part-Time Poet