Johnny Depp featured in January 2009 issue of PSYCHOLOGIES Magazine (UK)
The January 2009 issue of the UK magazine Psychologies tries to dig into the psyche of Johnny Depp by compiling some quotations from past interviews; there is no new information here, but there are some lovely photographs. The black-and-white shot at left, for example, is circa 1988, when JD shot to fame playing Officer Tom Hanson on 21 Jump Street, and is paired with a quote from that era: “All the hoopla, where the press try to stop you living your life, can be exhausting. You’re followed everywhere or looked at as some freakish oddity. I never wanted to be the guy people looked at.” Some things haven’t changed in twenty years . . . .
The three-page article also includes remarks about Johnny’s love for Vanessa and their children, about his close friendships with Tim Burton and Hunter S. Thompson, about his acting roles, and about his enduring passion for music. You can find scans of the article on the Zone’s News & Views forum. Many thanks to In-too-Depp for the scans, to Theresa for breaking the news, and to AnaMaria and Polly_anna for additional information. –Part-Time Poet