BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp takes a brief trip to Mexico to scout film locations
Johnny Depp switched roles–from actor to producer–and took a quick, low-profile trip to Mexico to investigate possible location sites for a future feature film project. Accompanied by a party of four, Johnny visited Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende (where much of Once upon a Time in Mexico was filmed), and Jalisco. Sarah Delong Hoch, the founder of a local film festival, confirmed to the Mexican press that Johnny Depp was scouting locations in the area, but could give no other details “at the request of producers who want to keep the project confidential.”
There is only one photograph from the trip because Johnny requested that no photographs be taken; a rare request from him. The photo at left does show Johnny (barely visible, wearing the pale blue cap) standing next to security chief Jerry Judge; to see a larger version, CLICK HERE. The Zone thanks Serendipity for the photo and Emma and dbcbdc for translations of Mexican news stories. You can read more about JD’s trip to Mexico on the News & Views and Pit forums, including some lively speculation about exactly which upcoming Infinitum Nihil film might be shot in Mexico. –Part-Time Poet