Learn more about Bryan Burrough's PUBLIC ENEMIES with Oprah Noodlemantra's Book Club!

Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club invites you to read along as they explore their newest selection, Bryan Burrough’s PUBLIC ENEMIES: AMERICA’S GREATEST CRIME WAVE AND THE BIRTH OF THE FBI, 1933-34. Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas, ONBC’s moderators, have just started posting background information on the author and the era; discussion of the book will begin the week of February 4th. Their tidbits on 1930’s history, popular culture, automobiles, and the ever-present Thompson submachine gun help make the Dillinger era come alive. Of course, PUBLIC ENEMIES compels our interest because Johnny Depp’s next movie role will be playing John Dillinger in Michael Mann’s film version of the Burrough book. Read along with ONBC, and you’ll be well-prepared to follow the filming when it gets underway in March–those Midwest locations will be more than names on a map.

Many thanks to Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas for sharing such fascinating research on PUBLIC ENEMIES. –Part-Time Poet