Announcing the Johnny Depp Zone's new Reflections Archive!
We’re celebrating the Zone’s 3rd Birthday on this site by adding something new to the Johnny Depp Zone Archives. The Reflections Archive now joins Interviews, By Johnny, and Fan Fiction; Reflections contains brief comments made about Johnny Depp in the media over the past twenty years. Most of these quotes come from Johnny’s friends and colleagues, but some are from celebrities with no known connection to Johnny Depp; they simply find him fascinating . . . as we all do.
The Reflections Archive is Sleepy’s brainchild; she has been collecting quotes about Johnny ever since she began the Zone. Many thanks to her for starting this project, and to Joni and Theresa, the editors of the Archives, for all their work as well. The Reflections Archive is a great place to browse–you can learn a lot about Johnny Depp in a short time here, and it’s great fun to see what other people have to say about Johnny . . . what he’s like to work with, and what he’s like as a human being. You can visit Reflections by clicking on the JDZ Archives button above. –Part-Time Poet