Johnny Depp on cover of Forbes Magazine's "Celebrity 100" issue
Johnny Depp is front-and-center in a cluster of A-listers on the cover of the newest Forbes Magazine; Johnny ranks sixth on the “Celebrity 100,” Forbes’ annual list of “the world’s most powerful–and best-paid–celebrities.” Johnny’s ranking is based on the success of last year’s box office champion, DEAD MAN’S CHEST. “Thanks to his share in the box office gross of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST, actor Johnny Depp made $92 million in the last 12 months,” claims Forbes, “more than most any other actor has ever earned for a film role.”
Impressive . . . however, the Forbes rankings are also a bit misleading, since the “Celebrity 100” is interested in precisely that: celebrity. Magazine covers, column inches of print and radio/TV mentions all build a celebrity’s ranking, regardless of whether the celebrity has won an Oscar or been arrested for DUI. Here is Forbes’ explanation of how they generate their list: “Forbes analyzes celebrity earnings, plus media metrics like Google hits, press mentions as compiled by Lexis/Nexis, TV/radio mentions from Factiva and the number of times an A-lister appears on the cover of 32 major consumer magazines.” Forbes’ reason for ranking Brad Pitt one spot above Johnny on the list explains their reasoning very succinctly: “Brad Pitt [. . .] virtually hijacked the headlines with his hotter half and their new brood.” Ah–so it’s about headlines. Thanks for clearing that up, Forbes . . . .
The Zone thanks Mrs Pink, RumLover, DeepinDepp and MyManDepp for reporting the story on the Zone’s News & Views forum. Congratulations, Johnny! –Part-Time Poet