More Pirates! PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST wins Best Movie at the MTV Movie Awards!
That’s POTC producer Jerry Bruckheimer hugging his star Johnny Depp at the 2007 MTV Movie Awards as they accept the biggest award of the night–Best Movie–for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST. DMC emerged victorious in an eclectic field that included 300, BLADES OF GLORY, BORAT, and LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. Mr. Bruckheimer took no credit for his vision in championing the POTC films, choosing instead to thank the “fantastic” MTV viewers, “the people at Disney” and his director, Gore Verbinski. Then, gesturing towards Johnny who stood behind him, the producer added his thanks to “this man standing right over here–this is the man who did it all, Johnny Depp . . . without him, we wouldn’t be here.”
Then Mr. Bruckheimer turned the microphone over to Johnny. “There’s so many people to thank, and once again, I’m not so great at this,” Johnny said apologetically. “I’d like to thank this man and Disney for not firing me, first!” As Jerry Bruckheimer chuckled, Johnny confided, “Because they were teetering on that for a while . . . .”
Continuing with his thank yous, Johnny thanked “the writers, Ted and Terry, who did an amazing job . . . Gore Verbinski, of course, and our amazing crew . . . .” Then, ducking his head like a shy man who had been in the spotlight a bit too long, Johnny looked out at the audience and held out the Golden Popcorn trophy. “Want some popcorn?” As the audience roared its appreciation, the actor and the producer both called out “Thank you very much!” and walked off-stage, bringing the awards show to an end. Nobody could follow that double act.
Many thanks to all the Zoners who contributed to the MTV Movie Awards thread, to Susanne for the video clip, and to bonnie for the picture of Johnny and Jerry at the podium. To see a larger version of the picture, click here: Thanks also to all the Depp fans who voted in the MTV Movie Awards polls–the happy event tonight, the chance to see Johnny Depp live on stage, was a gift from all of you, and we are very grateful for your nimble fingers and your good taste.
Congratulations to the talented men and women who made DEAD MAN’S CHEST–cheers to you! –Part-Time Poet