PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END approved for release in China
Perhaps it was the allure of actor Chow Yun-Fat as pirate Sao Feng that tipped the scales in Disney’s favor; whatever the reason, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END has been approved by Chinese censors for release in China, thus avoiding the fate that befell last summer’s blockbuster, DEAD MAN’S CHEST. Despite earning more than a billion dollars worldwide, DEAD MAN’S CHEST was banned in China last year, “due to the grotesque look of one character and some supernatural elements,” reports Screen Daily. Puzzling, since the original PIRATES film, THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, had been approved for release three years earlier, skeleton-crew and all . . . .
However, it’s mostly smooth sailing for AT WORLD’S END. The film will get a delayed opening in China–after SPIDER-MAN 3 and TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, which are scheduled to open on May 1st and May 22nd. Expect a release date in mid-June for Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew. The Zone thanks Emma for the news–you can read the full Screen Daily story and the details of the Chinese release on the News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet