More Pirates? LA Times story contains rumors of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4
Once again, rumors are circulating that Captain Jack Sparrow may not hang up his compass for good at the end of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END. According to Mary MacNamara’s story in the Los Angeles Times, “Word on the Walt Disney Studios backlot is that, while AT WORLD’S END is the end of the trilogy, it may not be the end of the franchise. According to insiders, Johnny Depp has said he would be interested in keeping the swaggering Capt. Jack Sparrow alive in other pirate adventures and, as the film’s production director Rick Heinrichs says, ‘If Johnny’s interested, why wouldn’t they?'” Adds MacNamara, “Many of the larger set pieces have been kept and put in storage.”
Storage will need to be long-term, since Johnny is scheduled to film SHANTARAM for Mira Nair beginning in November; one current rumor on the web which suggests filming of PIRATES 4 would begin in August 2007 is completely false, and has been denied by screenwriter Terry Rossio on his website. Any future piracy, if it happens, will be many months down the road–say, after a script has been written and deals have been signed.
The franchise’s largest set piece, The Black Pearl, has returned from her winter berth in Ensenada, Mexico, and is currently anchored in San Pedro; you can see new pictures of the Pearl on the Zone’s Porch forum. Many thanks to daisylovesdk for sharing her photos, and to Kimmie for the Los Angeles Times story.
The photo at left, which shows our beloved Captain Jack Sparrow seconds after being slapped (again) comes from this week’s STAR Magazine; he gets top billing in their “Coming Attractions” story on page 6 of the issue dated April 9, 2007. –Part-Time Poet